Learning how to stay on track and dedicated when obstacles present themselves on your fitness journey is one of the keys to success. Your goals could be anything; weight loss, rehabilitation to a pain free knee, building a business, improving yourself, graduating from school. Through dedication you build habits that help you reach your goal and then sustain the results. What is the difference between a habit and a dedication? Dedication is being committed to a purpose, task or goal. A habit is something you do without thinking about. Fortunately the two go hand in hand. The more dedication you practice the more something becomes a habit or natural response.
So what habits should you spend time working on and developing and what habits should you work on breaking? To answer this, begin with the end in mind, have a vision of how you want to see yourself in 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, etc. Visualize and imagine how you want your life to be and then set (do-able) daily habits for yourself that help you reach that end goal. The steps you know you need to take to accomplish these goals are examples of the good habits I am talking about. Spending more time doing the right types of habits will simultaneously cause your bad habits to dominate less and less of your life but this is where dedication comes in. You have to commit to doing these things with a “no matter what” attitude not a “mañana, mañana” attitude. Once you are consistent with whatever those habits are, continue to perfect those habits, and then add some more challenging tasks that will cause you to develop more positive habits and progress you towards the life you want for yourself.
Whatever your goal may be, you have to practice dedication to get to where you want or what you want. Once you get what you want, you have to be consistent with your good habits to keep your progress. Developing these types of good habits will cause you to take a more proactive role in reaching your new goals as you find previous obstacles limited to your new natural habits that you built from dedication.