
Dysfunctional Muscle

By Michael Devon | January 14, 2021

Work around dysfunctional muscles and movement impairments cumulate. Work through the nitty gritty of retraining the kinetic chain to optimal function and expect a return to quality of life and freedom to move! The way you train determines the outcome. Proper exercise patterns that respect human movements, or arbitrarily lifting weights the way you see […]

Physical Fitness

By Michael Devon | January 4, 2021

If physical fitness only means big muscles and a 6 pack to you then you’ll likely encounter other detriments to your health over time. Fitness has more to do with your ability to function and perform in any given scenario without suffering from aches and pains- during and after. Without prioritizing function in your training […]

Heavy Lifting

By Michael Devon | December 23, 2020

Relying on heavy weights to produce muscle activity is like cheating on an exam, you pass but you don’t learn anything for real life. Your muscles should be capable of producing maximal tension with optimal positioning of your bones. Skeletal movement engages muscle automatically. The way your skeleton aligns when you move determines how effectively […]

Knee Pain

By Michael Devon | December 18, 2020

Wearing a knee brace because you have knee pain doesn’t solve the problem. Like a bandaid on a gunshot wound. Your chronic pain is likely the result of improper muscle function compounding over time, making the joint work harder than it has to. Leading to inflammation that doesn’t go away just because you put a […]

The Way You Exercise

By Michael Devon | December 7, 2020

Recognize that the way you exercise has significant influence over your function and fitness, and your dysfunction and pain. Training like what you see in the mainstream gym culture likely produces the same results- decrepit posture, lower back pain, a knee brace, etc. Movement that replicates the mechanics of the way the human body moves […]

Ankle Sprains

By Michael Devon | November 7, 2020

A dysfunctional muscle in your lower kinetic chain will disrupt the interdependence of your neuromusculoskeletal system and cause dysfunction further up the chain. Malfunction at your ankle causes your knee and hip to move poorly and compensate around the misuse of the ankle, the spine shifts to make up for the lack of proper mobility […]

Fascial Web

By Michael Devon | October 26, 2020

Your body is an interconnected web of fascia, that houses your muscles. Dysfunctional muscles in one region of the web affects muscle function throughout the rest of your body via the fascial connection. Optimal function during movement can’t happen without unifying the interdependent muscle connections throughout the body. Train to create and enhance this interconnectedness […]

Joint Health

By Michael Devon | October 19, 2020

A joint is only as strong as the muscle supporting it. A muscle functions to uphold the integrity of the joints. A dysfunctional muscle impairs movements, misdirecting force transmission to the joints. A joint wasn’t designed to absorb force. Train your muscles to fulfill their purpose. A functional muscle equates to a healthy joint. A […]

Functional Training

By Michael Devon | October 13, 2020

Your functional capacity is a byproduct of your exercise regimen, or lack thereof. Lifting weights up and down to build big muscles is shortsighted when you don’t consider the function of the muscle. Muscle mass built on a compromised structure turns into dysfunctional muscle because its main function(s) isn’t its only job anymore. It’s having […]

How To Prevent Pain When Exercising

By Michael Devon | October 9, 2020

Age is not only a product of time, but also lifestyle choices. How you live your life now, manifests when you’re 30, 40, 60, 80, etc. Those achey knees from barbell back squats or faulty running mechanics may worsen and require a knee replacement when you’re 50. But it’s not because you’re getting older, it’s […]