
Fascial Web

By Michael Devon | October 26, 2020

Your body is an interconnected web of fascia, that houses your muscles. Dysfunctional muscles in one region of the web affects muscle function throughout the rest of your body via the fascial connection. Optimal function during movement can’t happen without unifying the interdependent muscle connections throughout the body. Train to create and enhance this interconnectedness […]

Joint Health

By Michael Devon | October 19, 2020

A joint is only as strong as the muscle supporting it. A muscle functions to uphold the integrity of the joints. A dysfunctional muscle impairs movements, misdirecting force transmission to the joints. A joint wasn’t designed to absorb force. Train your muscles to fulfill their purpose. A functional muscle equates to a healthy joint. A […]

Functional Training

By Michael Devon | October 13, 2020

Your functional capacity is a byproduct of your exercise regimen, or lack thereof. Lifting weights up and down to build big muscles is shortsighted when you don’t consider the function of the muscle. Muscle mass built on a compromised structure turns into dysfunctional muscle because its main function(s) isn’t its only job anymore. It’s having […]

How To Prevent Pain When Exercising

By Michael Devon | October 9, 2020

Age is not only a product of time, but also lifestyle choices. How you live your life now, manifests when you’re 30, 40, 60, 80, etc. Those achey knees from barbell back squats or faulty running mechanics may worsen and require a knee replacement when you’re 50. But it’s not because you’re getting older, it’s […]

Stretching Tight Muscles

By Michael Devon | October 5, 2020

Stretching aims to get rid of tension. But your body needs tension to support itself. Not all tension is bad, your body needs to learn how to properly distribute tension to the correct muscles. When tension is redistributed to the proper areas of the body, muscles don’t feel the need to stretch because the body […]

Not Your Typical Gym

By Michael Devon | September 28, 2020

Working with a trainer for over a year without noteworthy changes in strength, most importantly strength gains without pain, is time and money you can’t get back. Not stronger arm muscles, but an entire body ready to function- function without any wrist aches or back pains. You only have one body and unless you’re on […]

Unique, Different, Relevant

By Michael Devon | September 21, 2020

A lot comes to mind when users experience the style of training we implement, it’s “weird, unconventional, confusing” yet “applicable, practical, sustainable, and for a purpose.” We utilize Functional Patterns techniques and methodologies to produce changes on the human body that forms of traditional training and therapies aim to do, but can’t. It boils down to what […]

*Client Testimonials*

By Michael Devon | August 21, 2020

We do things differently here at SA Functional Fitness. We aren’t riding the fad on “functional fitness” to attract a specific market of customers, we’re codifying the entire spectrum of muscle function as it relates to the way humans move most and setting you up for real world function. This methodology allows us to simultaneously […]

Nuero-Muscular Efficiency

By Michael Devon | July 10, 2020

Your ability to move well in all planes of motion depends on how effectively your nervous system communicates to your muscular system, and vice versa, and how efficiently both systems respond to each other. If communication is disrupted the muscular system starts creating its own movement pathways and efficiency declines because the nervous system is […]

Muscle Imbalances

By Michael Devon | June 10, 2020

What is the point of doing a plank if your pelvis is stuck in an anterior shift and you can’t articulate the structure properly to engage the correct muscles? If you’ve never considered this before then you might be doing more harm than good in the long run. Although your intentions are solid, your execution […]