
You Get What You Pay For

By Michael Devon | October 8, 2021

Sometimes the cheapest option isn’t the best option. Not just with your health but anything. For example, a cheap apartment might cost you less per month in rent, but when the landlord doesn’t take care of things and there’s bugs everywhere or something’s always broken and needing repairs, the inconvenience isn’t worth it. Just like […]

Always Injured?

By Michael Devon | October 4, 2021

If your personal trainer is always injured and they’re teaching you how to work around your injuries without achieving pain free status and return to full function, it’s time to consider that your trainer doesn’t know how to train the intricacies of the human body. Maybe they’re just a meathead that likes to workout and […]

A Different Kind Of Gym

By Michael Devon | October 1, 2021

What makes our gym different from other gyms? Why do our trainers utilize the Functional Patterns training system? We’ll answer that by looking at the way humans were conditioned through evolution. Over millions of years the human body evolved to do 4 things with precision, that other animals can’t do. As humans, we stand upright […]

The Right Kind of Training

By Michael Devon | September 27, 2021

If you’re exercising and you have to constantly work around joint restrictions and physical limitations, you’re not doing yourself much benefit in the long run. The issues you are working around never get resolved and keep compounding and getting worse. Eventually other issues pop up from A) all the compensation you’ve been doing working around […]

The Only Gym In San Antonio With…

By Michael Devon | September 24, 2021

We’re the only gym in SA to offer a 25 FOOT pulley machine to train the specifics of the human body in motion. This new piece of equipment allows our trainers and their clients to truly test their body’s function! This pulley machine has a 25 foot cable length and provides resistance for dynamic exercises […]

Pain Is Not Normal

By Michael Devon | September 15, 2021

Pain isn’t something to accept with age or with injuries that weren’t properly rehabbed. Pain is your body telling you that something is wrong and ignoring this warning only compounds the problem as times goes on. Pain will start interfering with your daily life more and more. It can impact your sleep, energy, strength, and […]

Health- What Does It Mean To You?

By Michael Devon | September 13, 2021

The health and fitness industry can be overwhelming with all of the information- information that contradicts itself and information that is unpopular from the mainstream. You have to read all the sides and decide what is best suited to you- with all your health history and complex individual requirements. We think its helpful to consider […]

How To: Exercise

By Michael Devon | September 8, 2021

Confession time, I didn’t know how to exercise when I was growing up. The exercise habits I learned on my own, from fitness magazines, athletic coaches, and even other trainers, and exercise programs started ingraining dysfunction on my body and the result was aches and pains… in my early 20’s. I finally realized if I […]

Unconventional Gym Exercises

By Michael Devon | August 28, 2021

The exercises we teach at this gym don’t look like your typical gym exercises and you must think that they don’t build muscle or they don’t build strength. What you don’t realize is that they support muscle integration from multiple chains of muscle in a manner that replicates the dynamics of human movement (weight transfer, […]

What Does Your Exercise Regimen Do For You?

By Michael Devon | August 20, 2021

You know exercise is good for you, but is the way you exercise helping enhance your ability to function as you age? Whether you’re 30, 50, or 70 exercise has the power to optimize your function as the years roll on. The caveat is that your muscle network needs the right kind of stimulus to […]