A Purpose Of Exercise
Keeping as many muscles on the body engaged as you move through an exercise is crucial to reinforcing the way your body functions outside of exercise Creating and maintaining tension is priority to prevent going through the motions with a flaccid structure Just like a flaccid doesn’t work, a body void of muscle tension won’t […]
Surgery Isn’t Your Only Option
It’s unfortunate that so many surgeons push surgery to correct injuries and pain brought on by mechanical dysfunction. Surgeons are crucial for emergency surgery, but when it comes to addressing bone malformations, joint replacements, spinal fusions, etc., they fix the joint at fault but don’t take into account what led the joint to get to […]
Functional Exercises
In order to classify an exercise as functional, it should carry over to everyday life. Squats, pushups, and pull-ups are often lumped in the functional category because they integrate multiple muscles at once and display bodily strength. However, how often in your day to day movement (away from the gym) do you really use these […]
Automated Muscle Contractions
Learn to move your pelvis and ribcage in multiple contexts, against multiple demands. These structures influence function in the upper and lower extremities, alignment of the spine and head, and the ability to engage powerful muscles- like the glutes, pecs, lats, and core! It’s one thing to consciously contract the glutes or your abs during […]
Without This, Physical Activity Suffers!
Without proper muscle activity, physical activity suffers. If your muscles don’t work when you work, your body picks up the slack in deficit ways. The body is king/queen at compensating, which means if you want it to achieve a range of motion it will do it, but it will use whatever muscles it can to […]
Top 3 Training Mistakes
When you start exercising you either see people around you doing an exercise and you copy them, you learn from a YouTube video, or you get guidance from a personal trainer. Sometimes these learning techniques work well- depending who you’re learning from. The problem is that not everyone learns the same way, or what you’re […]
Posture 2.0
Posture is often associated with standing upright with the shoulders pulled back and the chest opened up, but posture is more than just standing straight. Your body can’t hold one particular posture when it moves, so your muscles need to learn how to change “postures” when it changes positions. When you think about what it […]
Pelvic Floor Function
The muscles of the pelvis and core, work together in harmony, and are often referred to as the pelvic floor. The glute, hip flexor, and abdominal muscle groups are the main muscles that need to function correctly to move without causing pain in the pelvic floor region. Pelvic motion without the core muscles driving the […]
Less Pain Is Possible!
Is pain keeping your from the activities you enjoy? Have you been told surgery is your only option? At SA Functional Fitness our pain management trainers restore the function of your muscles to support the integrity of your joints! This is important because without proper muscle functions, your joints take on the stress from the […]