We often get asked “what exactly does your training look like?”
“Is it stretching?”
“Is it mobility work?”
“Is it rehab… or exercise?”
“Is it strength and conditioning?”
“Is it performance or injury prevention?”
Simply put, it’s all of the above!
When you move well, you are “stretching” parts of your body, while “strengthening” another.
Learning to move well also means that you learn to position your joints in a way to produce maximum mobility, while still being safe and beneficial for your body.
When you train your body to move well, you are in fact doing “rehab” while still building strength and training to perform better.
You can’t separate flexibility from strength and you certainly can’t separate rehab from performance either.
Training your body to separate those elements won’t get you long term physical wellbeing because your body operates as one complex system. Train it according, and if you can’t, we can!