If you’re exercising and you have to constantly work around joint restrictions and physical limitations, you’re not doing yourself much benefit in the long run.
The issues you are working around never get resolved and keep compounding and getting worse. Eventually other issues pop up from A) all the compensation you’ve been doing working around issues, B) weaknesses that keep getting weaker because you never addressed them, or C) your body just eventually caps out from the demand you’re placing on it trying to get a “good workout in.”
What is a good workout to you? Sweat dripping on the floor, pulse thumping, out of breath, and fatigue all over your body? Those markers are indicative of a good workout but not if your body (joints, tendons, ligaments, bones, and correct muscles) can’t handle it.
Those symptoms trick your brain into thinking that what you’re physically doing must be working because that’s what most of the fitness industry teaches. But do it long enough and it’s not sustainable and eventually you’ll degenerate your body and wellbeing all because you, or your trainer, don’t really weigh the pros and cons of how you’re exercising now, and what effect that will have on you in the future.
Our gym is a little different, we still view the above markers as important ways to challenge the body, but only once the physical prerequisites have been met. This allows for a “good workout” but with less wear and tear on the body, thus promoting longevity and allowing you to continue working out as you get older.
If you can continue working out, correctly, as you age then your exercises will enhance your overall function and ability to move well in life outside of the gym. Our gym promotes exercise that goes beyond the exercise itself and carries over to life in the real world.
If this sounds like something you want to try to get yourself out of the rat race of the mainstream fitness world, then call us and set up your initial consultation today!