Lower Back Pain? Try this!

Our favorite part about Monday is that it’s a great day to spend time doing some self care and preparing your body and mind for the week ahead. In this case these ladies are spending time doing some myofascial release and breathing to relax their muscles and recondition their nervous system to handle stress better!

If you can equip your body to respond to stress in a healthier way that will directly translate to a healthier life because you won’t be managing stress with alcohol, drugs, or other addictions like food. Doing myofascial release won’t magically make your stress go away but it will start to train your body to handle the stress when it does come. Then you’re less likely to break down and you’ll be able to understand what is causing the stress in the first place.

Aside from the stress relief, this release is great for knee pain, hip pain, and even lower back pain. It can be done with a pvc pipe or a tennis or lacrosse ball. Start by rolling the pipe or a ball up and down the front of your thigh until you find a trigger point or a “knot” and hang around that area for a solid 2-4 minutes until the tension starts to release, then switch to the other leg and repeat. But don’t forget to breath!

This release is a starting point for managing aches and pains in your day to day life, it creates body awareness and can activate dormant muscles or relax overactive ones to restore balance and harmony to your body. Once your body is responding well to myofascial release work then it’s time to go onto the next step and learn how to re-tension your body. For example, if your lower back is always tight then your body holds tension there so through proper exercises we would re-tension your core and signal to your central nervous system to hold more tension in your core and less in your lower back.

If you’re serious about managing your aches and pains so you can live a more functional and active lifestyle then we’re here to guide you in the right direction. We bridge the gap between physical therapy and personal training and give you the best of both worlds. Simultaneously rehabbing any injuries, preventing injuries from occurring, strengthening your body to function in the real world, and conditioning your body for everything life throws at you!


Body. Brain. Let’s Connect

A picture is worth a 1,000 words… this picture says a lot because a lot is going on during this exercise, physically and mentally. John is incorporating thoracic rotation by connecting his Left lat to his Right glute & his Right shoulder to his Left hip via a deep connection of muscle groups known as the myofascial slings. These slings connect the upper body with the lower body- an important connection for quality movement. We’re taking it a step further with this exercise and integrating the movement at a nueromuscular level to make this sling connection a sub conscious action. If you want to move pain free the rest of your life, the way all your muscles work in unison with each other has to happen at a sub-conscious, automatic level. 

During this exercise John’s left glute is on fire and the deep core musculature is engaging as the left lat pulls and right arm punches connecting with the obliques to help rotate his ribcage and thus the myofascial slings are engaged and connecting John’s upper body with his lower body. The action during this exercise replicates a way our muscles connect with each other in life outside of the gym. It’s important to connect the body in the right way if you want to move better in day to day life and move better during exercise, both which lead to less overall aches and pains in the body. 

This exercise was all about getting John’s body in the correct position to automatically activate the correct muscles at the correct time so his joints didn’t do the muscles job, aka no more joint pain when he is out functioning in the real world! When your muscles work correctly this means less wear and tear on your joints, the key to sustaining an active lifestyle well past your prime!

If you’d like to learn how you can optimize your lifestyle, we’re here to help!

Book Your Consult!

Senior Citizens Can Walk with Confidence

As you age it gets harder to avoid falling, doctors tell you it’s just part of getting older and something you have to live with. I’m here to tell you that you can re-learn how to walk and avoid falling! It has to do with you biomechanics and the positioning of your body to support your structure as you move. No more shuffling your feet and walking with your head down, re-gain the ability to pick your feet up when you walk to avoid tripping and crashing to the ground.

At SA Functional Fitness we take it steps further than traditional balance training that has you standing on one foot for long periods. Instead we incorporate balance into walking, so we’re training your body in the environment that you want it to operate in. Going over the foundation of walking in the gym will prepare your body to handle the demands of walking in real life, so you’re body is better prepared to handle any kind of terrain.

The reason we don’t prioritize standing on one foot to improve your balance is because that will likely cause an excessive shift of your hips to one side. When your hips shift to the side your entire body comes along with it, leading to an overall shift of your body. That shift will contribute to poor posture and dysfunctional compensations when you walk, leading to pain or injury in the long run.

We mimic the patterns your body goes through in everyday life while we exercise, so your muscles engage the way we want them to in life outside of the gym. Standing on one foot may have some relevance but when you’re out on the town or even walking through your living room, when do you ever stop and stand on one foot for the sake of it? Probably never, so we shouldn’t prioritize that during our workout, we want to prioritize what you do most, walking!

The goal during each exercise session is to connect your upper body to your lower body so that we can train the body to stay integrated as we move around. If the body is not integrating muscles together when it moves then your balance and stability begin to suffer and falling becomes more likely. Re-establishing the connection between your legs, torso, and arms will ensure that you are able to walk functionally and significantly reduce your chances of falling.

If you want to improve your quality of life, your first step is to contact us to schedule a FREE consultation! You’ll get to meet our certified personal trainer who is experienced with the human gait cycle and how it impacts different aspects of our lives, from walking to posture, and balance to joint health. You’ll learn how proper exercise can address all of these important aspects and optimize your life!






FREE Consultation

If you’ve been on the fence about what Functional Fitness can do for your life then now is the best time to find out! For a limited time we are offering FREE consultations to first time clients.

All you have to do is contact us to set up your appointment. During your first appointment we’ll go over your health history, nutrition habits, goals, current lifestyle, any injuries, what you want to get out of exercising, and any other questions you may have. From there we’ll recommend a plan of action that meets your health needs and how to get started!

The best part about the FREE consultation is that there is zero obligation to sign up for anything. We are only inviting you to come and see what we’re all about and how we can help you improve your life!

Back to School Specials

Take advantage of our special promotions to get you back into shape when your kids go back to school! For the month of August we are offering crazy deals that will get you back into that routine and stay fit with SA Functional Fitness!


  • Buy 2 training packages; get 2 bonus training sessions
  • Bring a Friend to workout with you

*Bonus: with every workout package you purchase this month you will receive a FREE SA Functional Fitness workout shirt! 

(offer only valid through August 31st 2018.)

Contact us today to be a part of this Back to School Special!!

… And don’t worry, we promise not to tell your kids how excited you are for school to start again 😉

Sitting vs Standing Exercise

There’s a lot to consider when you workout, for example, knowing why you’re performing a particular exercise and what the outcome of said exercise is, what you want to accomplish with an exercise, and how your workout is going to impact your life outside of the gym. Do your exercises align with your goals? If you want to win the Tour de France then most of your time training will most likely be spent on a bicycle but if you’re just training to be able to keep up with your kids or grandkids then spending countless hours on a stationery bike won’t benefit you the way you want it to.

We’ve all heard it, “too much of a good thing is a bad thing.” Sure, you’ll be really good at riding a bike but what about running around town with your grandkids, throwing a baseball with your friends, or being able to walk your dog. Your body will eventually mimic the patterns of your training environment, so if you’re always riding a bike then eventually your body will start to portray the hunched over posture that your body is positioned in when you ride the bike. Then your posture begins to get stuck in this position and it gets harder to function in other environments like when you want to run faster during a sports game, go hiking with your spouse, or play fetch with your dog.

To the point of this article, if you sit at work for 8 hours a day and then go to the gym and all of the exercises you do are seated, then you aren’t really changing your environment. When you sit for long periods at work, your hips are flexed, so when you go exercise at the gym and always do seated exercises, your hips are still flexed, so you’re reinforcing to your body that it’s normal to always have the hips flexed. This can cause trouble when the hips need to extend, like in active situations in everyday life. Even something as simple as standing can be difficult if the hips are chronically flexed, your body starts to get pulled forward and down into the infamous hunched over position with rounded shoulders. Now imagine trying to perform to your fullest potential if your normal body posture is hunched over contributing to impaired movement.

I’m not an advocate of isolating muscles when you exercise because it can cause a disconnection between muscles in the upper body and lower body, which has serious consequences on overall function. Every time we walk we bring one leg forward and the opposite arm comes forward as well, this is an example of how the body operates keeping the upper body and lower body connected in a functional way. However, some people may have a disconnect between their upper body and lower body. This can be seen when they take a step, the legs move forward but the arms don’t swing, instead they stay stiff at the sides of the torso. Our body is meant to work as one unit every time it functions in real life, so we should train it according to how it functions if you want it to support you as you go through life.

I’m not saying that we should only be walking and running but what I am saying is that we should pay closer attention to how we exercise our body during resistance training. Are we reinforcing the bodies natural function or are we slowly breaking down our structure of support? Instead of mindlessly lifting a weight with the use of only one muscle, try engaging as many muscles as you can with one exercise, preferably, and if your body allows, encompassing multiple planes of movement. The next time you perform a cable row, do it standing and try adding a torso rotation as you row- now your connecting your lats with your obliques. You could also try taking a step backwards when you row and rotate- now connecting the lats and obliques with your glutes. When we engage multiple muscles at once, the brain starts to get involved with our bodies movement to help coordinate the exercise properly and in the right sequence, something that isolating the muscle alone won’t capture.

At the end of the day you have to ask yourself why you’re training. Are you doing it for a particular boost somewhere in your life, whether it’s to manage knee pain, keep up with life outside of the gym, lose weight, get stronger, or walk better? Whatever it may be, your training environment has to mimic what you want to get out of it. Don’t spend 5 days a week riding a bike if you what to be able to hike longer. If you’re only riding the bike to boost your endurance, you can boost your endurance by incorporating other facets of exercise into your overall routine, without sacrificing your posture from hunching over the bike or from sitting too much.

No such thing as one size fits all

How many pairs of jeans do you have to try on before you actually buy a pair? For me, it seems it is well over 100! Most are too long, some are too tight on my thighs, some are too high on my waist; the list goes on. With our bodies being so unique, how can we expect a set of diet rules made for the “average” person to work and be maintainable for everyone? The answer is we cannot; there isn’t one pair of magic jeans that fit everyone.

According to the health research fund, 65% of people who complete a diet program gain all of their weight back in the first year. 95% of people gain all the weight they lost back in under 5 years. These popular diets reel you in with drastic success stories and show you how much weight Susan lost after she completed program X and how you can too! The real question is, where is Susan now? How does she look a year after the program? Two years? Five years? It says something about the diet industry that not one program follows up with their success stories years later when statistics clearly show that is when the most people gain their weight back.

Last year the diet industry reported an income of 66 BILLION dollars. How can they be making so much money when so many people fail? They make money BECAUSE people fail. They set up these unrealistic rules for everyone to follow yet they are nearly impossible to maintain. The industry, literally, banks on you failing so when you decide to do something about your new weight gain you in turn buy the next latest and greatest tool they claim works for everyone.

None of this is to say that all diets are bad and we should boycott every single one. In reality, there is something to learn from every experience but like the jeans it’s not a one diet fits all; there are no magic jeans. It is about making changes that are healthy and fit into your lifestyle. Changes that you can maintain and that help you reach your goals of being a healthier you; finding the jeans that fit just right.


“I don’t have time for….” I’ll let you fill in the blank. This is such an exhausted excuse. Your problem isn’t the amount of free time you have, it’s your priorities. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and it is how you spend those hours that brings you closer or further from your goals.

Do you watch Netflix at night? Do you go out to dinner with your friends every weekend? Do you spend your free time with your significant other? I am guessing the answer is yes. You have committed time to watching a show that you enjoy. You have made an effort in spending time with others and building relationships by doing the things listed above. Over time, the relationships have grown and you continue to be friends with those people. You have made all of these things a PRIORITY.

Why do we not hold our health to the same standard? You wouldn’t tell your friend, “Okay I am going to be a good friend when I have time and then the rest of the time I am going to be a jerk and/or just ignore you.” If this were the case I am willing to bet that friendship would dissipate over time, JUST like your health. If we don’t take care of our bodies and make them a priority, it is safe to assume that we are going to see health problems down the road, whether it be weight gain or more serious problems, like high blood pressure.

We justify our priorities with statements such as, “They don’t work as many hours as me. They have time to do that, I don’t. Their life is easier than mine. They don’t have X number of kids. They don’t have my same problems.” WRONG! Stop playing the victim because you are equally as capable. Instead of going out every weekend, go out every other. Use that time you would spent sitting at dinner to meal prep, go to the store, get in an extra workout, read a self-help book, anything that aligns with what you are trying to accomplish. All of these excuses are just that, excuses. I am sure the person who you are comparing yourself to has/had their own hardships that they had to overcome but they made their goal a priority and that’s why they are successful.

The ‘I don’t have time’ excuse is old. We all have time. It’s what we make time for and how we prioritize our time that set us apart from the rest.

How are you going to prioritize your week? What are some goals that you need to make time for? Write it down, put it on your calendar, and plan it out. Don’t plan it in your head, put it on paper and start making your goals a priority. #piorities