
Functional Flexibility- defined.

By Michael Devon | August 2, 2021

Functional flexibility: being able to achieve a range of motion that your muscles drive you into, and can get you out of, (not as pictured). Passive stretching to reach an extreme range of motion causes problems on your joints, tendons, and ligaments because you’re using external means (absent of muscle contractions) to do so. Since […]

Stretching Doesn’t Fix Anything.

By Michael Devon | July 30, 2021

If you are stretching or doing any kind of mobility work to help alleviate an ache or pain, read on. Have you ever wondered why medication gets a bad reputation? Aside from the fact that the pills cause side effects that didn’t exist prior, the real reason medication isn’t widely accepted is because it doesn’t […]

Want Strong Muscles? Do This.

By Michael Devon | July 26, 2021

Most training and rehab methodologies have oversimplified the mechanics of the human body. When in reality, moving well is complex. We know that if you move well, your likelihood of injury decreases and developing pain from long term compensation diminishes because the body isn’t out of balance when you move. So to simply think that […]

What Does Functional Training Look Like?

By Michael Devon | July 23, 2021

We often get asked “what exactly does your training look like?” “Is it stretching?” “Is it mobility work?” “Is it rehab… or exercise?” “Is it strength and conditioning?” “Is it performance or injury prevention?” Simply put, it’s all of the above! When you move well, you are “stretching” parts of your body, while “strengthening” another. […]

Functional Resistance Training

By Michael Devon | July 21, 2021

Functional Patterns resistance training does not look the way resistance training looks in commercial gyms because traditional training isn’t functional. Pistol squats aren’t functional. Bench press isn’t functional. Deadlifts aren’t functional. How many times a day do you stop and squat on one leg, bench, deadlift, or do an isolated bicep curl when you’re moving […]

Human Function

By Michael Devon | July 20, 2021

The human body has evolved to function in the way that it has through environmental stimulus from the natural world. In nature, a human would need to be efficient at walking, running, and throwing in order to survive. Just because we have changed our environment through technological innovation over the past several hundred years, does […]

Fed Up With Cookie Cutter Personal Training?

By Michael Devon | July 16, 2021

We aren’t your typical gym, we’re a boutique personal training studio training the human body the way it’s designed to function. We build muscle and strength that translate to every day movement. Our team of trainers are certified Human Biomechanics Specialists that work to uncover muscle dysfunctions that restrict how YOUR body moves and restore […]

How To Tell If Your Workouts Are Paying Off

By Michael Devon | July 14, 2021

No it’s not just that your losing weight (that’s mostly diet anyway), or that you’re lifting more weight, or you can touch your toes. All of that should come along for the ride, but what if all of that happens at the expense of your well-being, and you can lift more weight but you blow […]

Unlock Your Movement

By Michael Devon | July 9, 2021

How much thought do you put into your training? Are you addressing your mechanical issues or are you working around them? Are you trying to optimize the way you move or are you just beating yourself into more problems? There’s a smarter way to do things. A way that makes moving from point A to […]

Functional Anatomy Part 2

By Michael Devon | July 7, 2021

In our previous blog we went into great detail highlighting the importance of what function means as it relates to your physical wellbeing. In this blog were simply going to teach what you need to know about your anatomy and how to move it so when you start training with us, you have a basic […]