The Biology of Movement: How Bipedalism Shapes Our Lives

Human movement is deeply rooted in our biology, particularly in our evolution as bipedal creatures. Walking on two legs—bipedalism—is a defining characteristic of humans, setting us apart from our primate ancestors and other animals. But what does this mean for our movement, and how does it impact our overall health?

Bipedalism evolved millions of years ago, offering early humans several advantages. By walking upright, our ancestors could cover long distances more efficiently, conserve energy, and free up their hands for tool use, carrying objects, and gesturing—key factors in our development as a species.

This shift also changed our skeletal structure, leading to the development of a unique spine curvature, a broader pelvis, and stronger leg muscles. These adaptations have made us incredibly efficient walkers and runners, capable of sustained physical activity that other species find challenging.

Despite our evolutionary advantages, modern lifestyles often clash with our biology. Our bodies are designed for movement, yet many of us spend hours each day sitting, which can lead to health issues like back pain, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. Bipedalism is meant to keep us active, not sedentary.

Regular movement—whether walking, or more intense exercise—helps counteract the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle. It engages the muscles and joints designed for movement, promoting better posture, balance, and overall physical health.

Embracing our bipedal nature has numerous health benefits. Moving regularly helps maintain a healthy weight, supports cardiovascular health, and strengthens bones and muscles. It also improves circulation, delivering oxygen and nutrients more efficiently throughout the body.

Beyond the physical, movement also positively impacts mental health. Physical activity reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, boosting mood and cognitive function. It’s a natural way to align with our biology and keep our minds sharp.

In essence, our biology as bipedal beings is a reminder that we are built to move. Whether it’s walking, running, or simply standing more throughout the day, embracing our natural movement patterns is crucial for maintaining our health and well-being.

So, listen to your body and move in ways that reflect your natural movement. Your biology is hardwired for it.

Natural Movement and Contralateral Reciprocation: A Perfect Harmony

When we talk about natural human movement, one of the most fascinating and essential concepts is contralateral reciprocation. This is the biomechanical process where opposite limbs (e.g., right arm and left leg) move in sync during activities like walking and running. It’s a fundamental aspect of how our bodies are designed to move, playing a key role in balance, coordination, and efficiency.

What Is Contralateral Reciprocation?

Contralateral reciprocation refers to the natural, coordinated movement of opposite sides of the body during locomotion. For example, when you take a step with your left leg, your right arm swings forward. This movement pattern is not random; it’s an integrated response that our nervous system has developed over millions of years of evolution.

This coordination allows us to move more efficiently and maintain balance. As one leg swings forward, the opposite arm counterbalances it, reducing the amount of twisting or rotating forces on the spine. This not only makes our movement smoother but also conserves energy, enabling us to walk or run for longer periods without tiring as quickly.

The Biological Basis:

Contralateral movement is deeply rooted in our nervous system. The brain and spinal cord are designed to coordinate these opposite limb movements through a network of neurons and reflexes. When one limb moves, signals are automatically sent to the opposite side of the body to engage the corresponding muscles.

This cross-body communication is what makes activities like walking and running feel natural and effortless. It’s also why these movements are prioritized in our workouts, as they are deeply embedded in our motor patterns.

The Importance of Contralateral Reciprocation in Daily Life:

In everyday life, contralateral reciprocation is essential for efficient and effective movement. It helps us maintain balance when walking on uneven surfaces, navigate obstacles, and even perform complex tasks that require full-body coordination.

Training and reinforcing contralateral movement patterns can enhance athletic performance, improve posture, and reduce the risk of injury. Exercises that emphasize cross-body movements can help fine-tune these natural patterns, ensuring that our bodies move as they are designed to.

Benefits of Embracing Natural Movement

By focusing on and enhancing contralateral reciprocation, we can achieve numerous benefits:

– **Improved Coordination:** Reinforcing these natural movement patterns sharpens overall coordination and motor skills, making everyday tasks easier and more efficient.


– **Better Balance:** Contralateral movements help distribute weight more evenly across the body, reducing the risk of falls and improving stability.


– **Enhanced Athletic Performance:** Athletes who train with an emphasis on contralateral movement patterns often experience better performance in activities that require full-body coordination, such as running.

– **Injury Prevention:** Proper contralateral movement reduces strain on the spine and joints, decreasing the likelihood of overuse injuries.

Contralateral reciprocation is a powerful reminder of the elegance and efficiency of natural human movement. By understanding and embracing this fundamental aspect of our biology, we can move through the world with greater ease, balance, and grace. Whether you’re walking, running, or training, paying attention to the harmony between your limbs can unlock the full potential of your body’s natural movement capabilities.

The Evolutionary Benefits of Running: How Our Muscles Are Built for It

Running is more than just a modern fitness trend; it’s deeply rooted in our evolutionary history. Our muscles, bones, and cardiovascular system have evolved specifically to support this high-endurance activity. Here’s why running is not only beneficial but also a natural part of who we are as humans.

Evolutionary Background: Born to Run

1. **Human Anatomy and Endurance**: Our bodies are uniquely designed for long-distance running. Unlike most animals, humans can run long distances thanks to our upright posture, long legs, and efficient cooling system (sweating). These traits helped early humans hunt and scavenge over vast terrains.

2. **Muscle Development**: The muscles in our legs, hips, and core are optimized for running. The large gluteal muscles (glutes) stabilize our hips, while the long tendons in our legs act as springs, storing and releasing energy with each stride. These adaptations make running an energy-efficient way to travel long distances.

3. **Cardiovascular Efficiency**: Running requires a well-developed cardiovascular system, and our hearts and lungs are up to the task. The ability to sustain moderate to high levels of physical exertion over extended periods likely played a role in our ancestors’ survival, allowing them to outrun prey or persist until the prey was too exhausted to continue.

•Physical Benefits: Tapping into Our Natural Potential

1. **Improved Muscular Strength and Endurance**: Running regularly taps into the full potential of our muscle groups, particularly in the lower body. This not only strengthens the muscles but also increases their endurance, enabling them to perform efficiently for longer periods.

2. **Bone Density and Health**: The repetitive impact of running stimulates bone growth and density, a trait that has been critical for our survival in the wild. By running, you maintain and even enhance this natural bone strength, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

3. **Efficient Fat Burning**: As an evolutionary advantage, running promotes fat burning by utilizing it as a primary energy source during prolonged activity. This process helped our ancestors survive in times of food scarcity and continues to be a highly effective way to manage weight today.

•Mental and Psychological Benefits: Built-In Rewards

1. **Natural Stress Relief**: The “runner’s high,” characterized by a release of endorphins, is an evolutionary reward system that encourages continued activity. This natural high helped our ancestors stay motivated during long hunts and now serves as an excellent way to combat modern-day stress.

2. **Enhanced Focus and Cognitive Function**: Running improves brain function by increasing blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain. This evolutionary trait likely developed to help early humans stay alert and focused during endurance tasks, and it continues to benefit cognitive health today.

3. **Improved Mood and Mental Resilience**: The regular practice of running boosts mental resilience, a trait that was essential for survival in challenging environments. Today, this translates into better emotional regulation and a stronger ability to cope with life’s challenges.

Conclusion: Embrace Your Evolutionary Heritage

Running is not just a workout—it’s an activity deeply embedded in our evolutionary history. Our muscles, bones, and cardiovascular system have evolved specifically to make us excellent endurance runners. By running, you’re not only staying fit but also tapping into the very essence of what makes us human. Embrace this natural ability and experience the profound physical and mental benefits that come from moving the way our bodies were designed to move.

What’s Your Excuse?

Common reasons people don’t exercise:

⁃ Kids

⁃ Stress

⁃ Work

⁃ Pain

The reasons you should exercise:

⁃ Kids

⁃ Stress

⁃ Work

⁃ Pain

When you see it like this, it makes sense. Don’t be the person who always comes up with excuses- find a way to prioritize your health… you only have one body, don’t take it for granted.

Take care of your health while you still have a choice; before your current habits catch up with you and you’re forced to deal with your health on your doctors terms, physical therapists terms, big pharma’s terms, or your surgeons terms.

When you prioritize your health your body works more efficiently as a system, from better energy to more physical strength, and you can spend this on your kids, your stress level, your job, and other obstacles life deals you.

Life isn’t stopping until you’re in the grave. So you can be miserable for however long your life is, or you can take steps towards a healthy, fit, and fulfilling life. It all starts with how you take care of your body.

Your Fundamental Movement

Our exercises load the patterns of the gait cycle. Which means the mechanics of the exercises carry over to the mechanics of walking and running. This is important because as humans we walk daily, it’s one of our most frequently used movements so our goal is to get your body strong in that fundamental context; which will carry over to other aspects of function.

Bipedal contralateral movement is what developed our muscles and why they function the way they do. Modern times have made it difficult to keep our muscles functioning the way they were designed because we use the wrong lifting patterns when we exercise, we’re sedentary… and then we SIT on an exercise bike for “exercise”, we stretch the wrong way resulting in flaccid muscle tissue. All of these variables effect the way your body functions in real life.

In our gym we train your body to move the way your body naturally moves in life outside the gym. Simple looking, but not so easy to perform (correctly) when your body has been out of touch with these foundational movements. It takes time and repetition to reconnect your muscles and get them working optimally.

Contact us to set up an introductory session to assess your current movement patterns and why they’re causing your body problems. Learn to solve those problems with exercise that simultaneously builds strength and mobility, while addressing dysfunctional mechanics and correcting your functions back to optimal so your body can move well and perform without pain.

Hurting After Exercise Is Not Normal

It’s one of those days, you just finished a grueling workout at the gym and your joints are aching, your lower back is stiff, and your tendonitis is flared up.  Your workout buddies deal with the same aches and pains so you write it off as normal, just part of getting old, and what it takes to stay in shape.

We’re here to tell you that it is not normal, getting old doesn’t have to feel painful, and if you really were “in shape” your body wouldn’t be in a state of chronic aches and pains. Although all the above is commonly experienced by the majority of gym goers, it’s not supposed to be that way. In fact when you move correctly and your muscles contract properly you experience a state of wellbeing.

Imagine this; you just finished an intentional workout, your body is feeling light and springy, you feel a pump all over your body like your muscles are getting stronger, yet you feel like you just stretched out your entire body, your spine feels decompressed, and your shoulder and knees don’t hurt.

This is what your body should feel like after exercising, and it can once you learn how to use your muscles to move correctly. This is what our trainers teach; we don’t count reps, we make sure every rep counts. We train you to intentionally move your body against your default mechanics to override dysfunctional patterns and optimize your movement.

One thing is for sure, our training is not like what you see in the mainstream (maybe that’s why so many people are in pain) or like anything you’ve felt before. Come in and learn what you need to be feeling to fix your body, with our beginner friendly introductory session!

Your Guide to Squats

It’s time to educate yourself on the relevance of the squat. Prioritizing this movement in your training routine when it makes up a small amount of daily movement, neglects movements that you do majority of the time, like walking. Think about it… outside of the gym how many times a day do you squat compared to how many steps you take?

We aren’t kangaroos, we’re humans. We move around by transferring our weight from one leg to another in a contralateral pattern. Whereas a squat is going to keep your legs confined to a bilateral position. We aren’t saying squats aren’t important, but in the real world when you need to bend over and pick something up it happens a fraction of the time, it usually doesn’t happen repetitively, and you’re doing it for a specific purpose that normally doesn’t make up your entire day (unless your job or sport requires that, but we’re talking about general function).

When you use the squat as an exercise, you’re performing it for numerous reps with the intent to build muscle and get stronger. The problem with using squats (or any bilateral/sagittal based exercise) as the bulk of your leg training is that you’re building arbitrary muscle mass, meaning it doesn’t serve a purpose. The strength you built doesn’t carry over outside of the squat pattern, so the way your body moves most (ie; walking) doesn’t have the support it needs.

Come train with our trainers to learn how to build muscle that aligns with it’s function. Carrying over the strength you build in the gym to a stronger body outside of the gym. You’re human, it’s time you start training like one.

Exercise Less?!

Exercise can be bad when we go through the motions of our default movement patterns. We just pack on more muscle imbalance that causes a subconscious stress on our mental and physical state, affecting our physiology. Then we cope with drugs, alcohol, food, sex, whatever dopamine fix we need to temporarily feel better. We enter the cycle of trying to outwork our coping behavior and beating our body up in the process, but we can only do that for so long until we feel “old” because our habits caught up with us.

Taking a few steps back to heal our body with intentional movement might not feel or look like society’s idea of exercise but it starts to retrain our brain and body to function better, promoting muscle mass that is symmetrical and “balanced” to help us respond to stress better. Then when our muscles are in balance we’re consciously and subconsciously able to handle stress more efficiently- physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc. and then we don’t feel the need to cope. Then it comes time to break out of the habits that we developed from coping that we no longer need.

This behavior change is painful and uncomfortable but time well spent and can start seeing changes in weeks for little things, months for some bigger things, and sometimes years for habits we’ve built over our entire lives. This is the change that helps our physical health- from muscle strength, weight loss/ weight maintenance, hormone balance- which in turn helps our mental health like anxiety, mood, depression, and the ability to not have to cope the way we used to. And when we do need to cope we are able to be more aware of what we’re doing and why, and maybe not even coping the same way we did in the past because our stress response is improving.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t exercise, as most doctors and so called fitness experts will tell you that you need to eat less and move more to stay healthy. But if you move wrong and use your muscles in a state of imbalance then all of the above cataclysm of events happen- and that’s not healthy. You need to understand more about your body in order to make sure you behave in a way that promotes health. When you’re over exercising and under eating for so long, your body’s hormones get thrown out of whack and it makes it a lot harder to lose weight and body fat. You end up spinning your wheels trying to lose weight or build muscle but you’re fighting an uphill battle, up  a water slide. When you learn to fix your muscle imbalances when you “exercise” instead of just going through the motions of various movements, you’ll be able to address the subconscious stress on your body- aligning your posture and your hormones. This equates to a healthier body inside and, most importantly, outside of the gym!

Contact our gym to learn how our team can help you start and sustain your journey to a healthier you!

Step Into Our Functional Gym

What makes our training different from other gyms is that we don’t let you go through the motions of an exercise, just to say that you exercised.

We prioritize your posture during an exercise to activate muscles that are normally dormant, to support your body in a way that it normally doesn’t get supported.

So no matter where you’re at physically, your body can benefit from this type of training because it’s low impact, corrective, and sustainable.

This lets you build a foundation to progress from, without pain!

Hows That Working For You?

When you work hard in the gym, you expect the exercises you do to carry over to the real world. In the form of strength, flexibility, stamina, energy, health, and overall fitness.

For the genetically gifted ones it does, but what about the average folks who do what they’re supposed to do and still fall short? Why are they busting their butts every day at the gym but still can’t lose weight, still have joints that hurt, still not feeling strong or mobile? To answer those questions you have to ask what they’re doing. Are they really doing the right things or just doing what everyone else is doing and expecting to get lucky with their results. Or are they doing what worked for an athlete that was already born with overall better muscles, minimal body fat, and naturally fit?

If you’re already born that way, this post isn’t for you- you can keep doing what you’re doing and succeed in spite of what might be wrong for others. If you’ve tried everything but still can’t make progress then read on.

Our trainers work to address principles of health and fitness that often get overlooked, not given any thought at all, or are sometimes too hard at first to want to learn. The fact is every body is unique and what works for one person might have to be taught completely different to another body. Another little valued fact is that every body has a similar blueprint for how muscles are designed to function. If you don’t follow this blueprint then it’s hard to make progress that is sustainable. If you do follow it (with slight modifications for your individual needs) then you’re able to achieve the strength, flexibility, and fitness that you’re working toward. You need to work smarter not harder.

If you’ve been chasing after health and fitness for years or even decades, look in the mirror and ask yourself… “how’s this working out for me?” You can’t keep doing the same thing (exercises, eating habits, sleep, recovery, etc.) and expecting different results.