Heavy Lifting

Relying on heavy weights to produce muscle activity is like cheating on an exam, you pass but you don’t learn anything for real life.

Your muscles should be capable of producing maximal tension with optimal positioning of your bones. Skeletal movement engages muscle automatically.

The way your skeleton aligns when you move determines how effectively your muscles engage to support your movement. Whether you’re exercising or moving through real world conditions.

Cheating on an exam creates dependency on a cheat sheet, much like needing heavy weight to feel a muscle working creates muscles that don’t work well in their natural environment. (Reality, not a gym).

Fascial Web

Your body is an interconnected web of fascia, that houses your muscles.

Dysfunctional muscles in one region of the web affects muscle function throughout the rest of your body via the fascial connection.

Optimal function during movement can’t happen without unifying the interdependent muscle connections throughout the body.

Train to create and enhance this interconnectedness if you want to sustain a fundamental level of function. Otherwise your body will become the equivalent of a broken fishing net as you age- it won’t work very well…

Joint Health

A joint is only as strong as the muscle supporting it.

A muscle functions to uphold the integrity of the joints.

A dysfunctional muscle impairs movements, misdirecting force transmission to the joints.

A joint wasn’t designed to absorb force. Train your muscles to fulfill their purpose.

A functional muscle equates to a healthy joint.

A training plan that reinforces the contralateral connections throughout the body instead of isolating the muscles is a good place to start. This will ensure the joints aren’t being used as levers and teach the muscles how to leverage weight.