Exercise for Life
We teach our clients to move intentionally to connect the upper body and lower body contralaterally. Bipedal contralateral movement is what developed our muscles, and why they function the way they do. Modern times have made it difficult to keep our muscles functioning the way they were designed because we use the wrong lifting patterns […]
Have You Thought About The Way You Move?
Routine tasks that you move your body through without much thought like bending down to pick something up can be wiring in bad mechanics. Notice how the vertebrae bulge out when she firsts bends down, then when we correct the pelvis position her muscles contract around the vertebrae and protect them. This shows how your […]
Why Do YOU Exercise?
Most people exercise to stay in shape, often not realizing what that actually means. Is staying in shape about looking good, or feeling good? That’s subjective. To our trainers, “staying in shape” means feeling good. And the looks usually follow. That means understanding why we exercise. It shouldn’t be because you’re beating your body up […]
Mind Muscle Connection
Neuromuscular reprogramming is just fancy jargon for training the brain/body connection via the correct exercise stimulus. We have our clients utilize a mirror for most exercises to point out when their form is compromised leading to injury and understanding why the way they perform certain functions causes pain. The consensus is that their brain thinks […]
How Do You Feel?
The state that your body is in on a regular basis should be an indicator of how fit you are. Your body should feel good after taking on the demands placed on it. If you’re hurting, limping, stiff, and sore in the wrong places then your body is warning you that something is off. It’s […]
Functional Alternative to “Traditional” Glute Bridge
Why is this exercise superior to the traditional variation of the “bridge?” This exercise is teaching muscles to contract the same way they do to support these joint positions in reality. Not necessarily this exact position, but the overall position of the joints relative to other joints. For example, the problem with the traditional glute […]
Your body encounters and responds to multiple forces to propel through space. Your body rotates, shifts, adducts, abducts, flexes, extends, undulates, spirals, pronates, supinates, and more- all at the same time. These functions are necessary to move yourself efficiently through multiple planes of motion without pain and dysfunction. As a human, your natural movement revolves […]
Muscle Building Tip
In order to maximize the amount of muscle you gain, your body must move correctly to ensure muscle is being developed in areas that it’s underdeveloped. When you exercise with the correct form and optimize your biomechanics, your muscles get put to work in ways that they normally don’t. Dormant muscles get woken up and […]
What To Expect In Our Gym
In our gym, you won’t see an exercise demonstrated and then be expected to execute it while our trainers stand around and count reps. Instead, what you’ll find is trainers who show you how the exercise should look, coach you through the technique, and then ask you where you’re feeling it to make sure you’re […]
Move Correctly
Nothing happens independently with movement, everything works synergistically to move correctly. If you’re misaligned in one part of your body while you’re moving, another part of your body will compensate and contract the wrong muscle, or the right muscle the wrong way- causing imbalance, leading to pain and injury down the line. This is why […]